Safety : Austere

Comfortable with the uncomfortable, ESI Safety Advisors can operate worldwide with little in the way of luxuries, from developing countries to remote outposts, wherever you want to film ESI is happy to support. Often this is the area where Safety and Security go hand in hand from passing through sketchy checkpoints to filming in busy souks, ESI can provide the right people to look after your production team and their valuable equipment.

Our safety advisors are experienced in a range of productions, from commercials to feature films, reality TV to documentaries and music videos. This experience means we are aware of the fourth wall of reality TV and will only break it if there is an imminent danger. We won’t panic or look at a panning camera and can blend into the background, without boning the shot, we’ve even been known to make ourselves look as small as possible whilst doing rope safety so that we could be disguised as a rock in post-production!